Fellowship of Reconciliation: for a World of Peace, Justice and Nonviolence
Mid-Missouri Fellowship of Reconciliation
The Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) is a group composed of people from many faiths, and no particular faith --
all coming together to support nonviolence and justice.
Offering people of conscience an action response to a morally-impaired U.S. foreign policy.

Newsletter | Capital Punishment | War & Peace | Links | Who We Are

A Report on the Injustice in the Application of the Death Penalty in Missouri (1978-1996)(Microsoft Word document)
Researchers from Missouri and New York found that about one of every 100 homicides in Missouri resulted in a death sentence during that 18-year period. Race of the victim and race plus socio-economic status of the defendant were found to be great indicators of who ultimately received a death sentence.


Common Dreams
Electronic Iraq
Indy Media
Yahoo! News


Background on Syria

Iraq Crisis Issue Guide by Phyllis Bennis of the Institute for Policy Studies

U.S. History with Iraq, 1980 - 2 August 1990
An American Soldier on the March 21 episode of This American Life challenged those against the war to "learn the history".

Common Dreams News Center

April 12, 2003
God is on our side?
Non Sequiter comic

April 8, 2003
The U.S. Betrays Its Core Values
by Gunter Grass

March 30, 2003
Bush and Blair do not know what they are doing or why they are doing it

March 29, 2003
A cartoon

March 25, 2003
What is the Geneva Convention?
A primer on the treaty dealing with treatment of POWs and Who’s violating the Geneva Convention?

March 24, 2003
It's Patriotic to Protest
op-ed by Jill Nelson

U.S. steps up secret surveillance
FBI, Justice Dept. increase use of wiretaps, records searches

March 23, 2003
Why are we in Iraq -- and Who's Next?
an Op-Ed piece by Richard Reeves.

March 22, 2003
Whose interests at heart?
The invasion and occupation of Iraq cannot give the Iraqi people their freedom

March 20, 2003
Senator Byrd Deplores Iraq War: "Today I weep for my country"

Familiar, Haunting Words

Bush's Lies and the War on Iraq (a gift to the extremist theocrats)

Demonstrations Flare Worldwide

It's Not About Terrorism, WMD or Liberation: Myths and facts about the war

    Local News and Announcements...

    Don't miss anything...please scroll down


    Please join other people of conscience in Columbia this coming Wednesday, June 30, for at least one of two, or hopefully both,nonviolent actions calling for an end to the U.S. occupation of Iraq and protesting this farcically-called U.S. "turnover" of Iraq to Iraqis.....

    1) Wednesday, 12 Noon, outside the U.S. military recruiting station, 111 E. Broadway, Columbia. Street theater and speak-out focusing on the contemptible use of torture as a tool of U.S. occupation in Iraq and elsewhere around the world over the past decades (not just this past year). This station is the local arm for the Pentagon, providing men and women to be part of the U.S. warring machine. These recruits get taught to fight, kill and to torture. Note: we are not intending to block pedestrian traffic
    into the station nor to risk arrest. Call Jeff at 449-4585 for more details.

    2) Wednesday, 4:15 and 5:45 p.m., the intersection of Broadway & Providence, Columbia. Vigil during the Rush Hour: Support "Real Sovereignty, U.S. Out Now!" We also are still looking for help with making signs and banners. We have stencils and paints for the signs, so you needn't be great at lettering to help with this. If you can help with any of this or for more info, please
    contact the Peace Nook at 875-0539.

    The Bush-Cheney administration (and their cohorts), have for years been baking up a scheme for global domination. Their upcoming product for public consumption: the Iraqi Turnover.

    How sovereign after all, can the Iraqi people feel with the continued presence of more than 100,000 U.S. soldiers and at least a half dozen permanent U.S. military bases recently constructed or still being built within their homeland? Hopefully the U.S. public will realize we have been lied to (really for decades) about our nation's military interventions which
    have led, most recently to the deaths of thousands of Iraqis and nearly 900 U.S. military personnel.

    This horrible torturous behavior has been part and parcel of U.S. military policy for decades and in many other places in the world (Vietnam, Central America, etc). Join us if you can for these actions or take your own, in the name of human dignity, met human needs and freedom for Iraqis and all peoples of this world.

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    Dear Friend,

    U.S. Officials are preparing to execute David Paul Hammer at 3:00 pm on Tuesday, June 8 for the murder of Andrew Marti, who had shared a prison cell with him. We condemn that initial act of violence and the retaliatory killing planned early next week.

    Hammer would be the 4th person murdered by the U.S. State through the federal death-penalty system at the Terre Haute prison in Indiana during the last decade. Please take what actions you can (noted below) to voice your concern that the State not kill to show that killing people, who kill other people, is wrong. In addition to being a human being, with an inherent right to life, Hammer also has steadfastly taken responsibility for his actions and expressed consistently, remorse for his violence. Let our nation show reverence for life and halt his killing.

    In peace and nonviolent struggle,

    Jeff Stack, coordinator Mid-Missouri Fellowship of Reconciliation

    573-449-4585 jstack@no2death.org

    Note: a stay is possible; check www.moabolition.com for updates, or call 573-635-7239 or 314-322-5159.

    WHAT YOU CAN DO on or before the date (Any part helps).....

    1. Contact Pres. George W. Bush. to ask to exercise clemency and halt the execution of David Paul Hammer, and to institute a moratorium on Federal executions to review the process for selecting capital punishment cases.

    Contact the White House:

    President of the United States Voice: 202-456-1414 president@whitehouse.gov, TTY/TDD: 202-456-6213, Comment line: 202-395-1160, Fax: 202-456-2461

    2. Attend a vigil in Missouri:

    (all are Monday June 7, the day before the execution, unless Tuesday is indicated).

    * Columbia: vigil for life. 5:00-6:00 pm, Monday, Boone Co. Courthouse. This will be held whether or not there is a stay.(For more information call Jeff at 573-449-4585)

    * Jefferson City: vigil, 11:00 pm until 12:01 am, Main Post Office, 131 W. High St. (across from Supreme Court building)

    * Jefferson City: prayer service, 10:45 pm, St. Peter’s Chapel, 216 Broadway

    * Kansas City: vigil, 4:45-5:45 pm, J.C. Nichols Fountain in the Plaza (WMCADP)

    * St. Louis: silent vigil, 5:00-5:30 pm, Eagleton Federal Court Building, 111 South Tenth St., 63102, east side entrance on 10th street. **

    * St. Louis: Tuesday, June 8: 6:30-7:00 a.m., Holy Family Chapel, at the Sisters of St. Joseph Motherhouse, 6400 Minnesota Avenue. This will be held whether or not there is a stay.

    *For information: 573-635-7239, 314-322-5159

    Missourians to Abolish the Death Penalty

    P.O. Box 54 Jefferson City, MO 65102


    madp@moabolition.org, www.moabolition.com

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Fellowship of
P.O. Box 268
Columbia, Missouri

Questions about the Fellowship of Reconciliation? -- contact Jeff Stack at 573-449-4585 or jstack@no2death.org

An appeal to conscience and purse-strings

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