Fellowship of Reconciliation: for a World of Peace, Justice and Nonviolence
Mid-Missouri Fellowship of Reconciliation
The Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) is a group composed of people from many faiths, and no particular faith --
all coming together to support nonviolence and justice.
Offering people of conscience an action response to a morally-impaired U.S. foreign policy.

Newsletter | Capital Punishment | War & Peace | Links | Who We Are

A Report on the Injustice in the Application of the Death Penalty in Missouri (1978-1996)(Microsoft Word document)
Researchers from Missouri and New York found that about one of every 100 homicides in Missouri resulted in a death sentence during that 18-year period. Race of the victim and race plus socio-economic status of the defendant were found to be great indicators of who ultimately received a death sentence.


Common Dreams
Electronic Iraq
Indy Media
Yahoo! News


Background on Syria

Iraq Crisis Issue Guide by Phyllis Bennis of the Institute for Policy Studies

U.S. History with Iraq, 1980 - 2 August 1990
An American Soldier on the March 21 episode of This American Life challenged those against the war to "learn the history".

Common Dreams News Center

April 12, 2003
God is on our side?
Non Sequiter comic

April 8, 2003
The U.S. Betrays Its Core Values
by Gunter Grass

March 30, 2003
Bush and Blair do not know what they are doing or why they are doing it

March 29, 2003
A cartoon

March 25, 2003
What is the Geneva Convention?
A primer on the treaty dealing with treatment of POWs and Who’s violating the Geneva Convention?

March 24, 2003
It's Patriotic to Protest
op-ed by Jill Nelson

U.S. steps up secret surveillance
FBI, Justice Dept. increase use of wiretaps, records searches

March 23, 2003
Why are we in Iraq -- and Who's Next?
an Op-Ed piece by Richard Reeves.

March 22, 2003
Whose interests at heart?
The invasion and occupation of Iraq cannot give the Iraqi people their freedom

March 20, 2003
Senator Byrd Deplores Iraq War: "Today I weep for my country"

Familiar, Haunting Words

Bush's Lies and the War on Iraq (a gift to the extremist theocrats)

Demonstrations Flare Worldwide

It's Not About Terrorism, WMD or Liberation: Myths and facts about the war

    Local News and Announcements...

    Don't miss anything...please scroll down

    100 Columbia-Area Entities have Endorsed

    A Resolution Calling for a Moratorium on Executions

    in Missouri  with a Concurrent Study Commission

    (Thank leaders with the following houses of worship & groups; consider
    joining them. Thank business owners for their endorsement and patronize them).

    -- As of 18 December 2009  

    Houses of Worship/Religious & Inter-faith Organizations
    1.    Benedictine Sisters, Social Concerns Committee

    2.    Church Women United of Missouri (statewide with president based in town)

    3.    Columbia Interfaith Council

    4.    Columbia Interfaith Peace Alliance

    5.    First Baptist Church, Board of Deacons

    6.    Mid-Missouri Fellowship of Reconciliation

    7.    Mt. Celestial Baptist Church

    8.    New Horizon United Methodist Church, Missions Committee

    9.    Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Social Concerns Committee

    10.      Religious Society of Friends, Columbia Friends Meeting

    11.      Rock Bridge Christian Church

    12.      Russell Chapel Central Methodist Episcopal Church

    13.  Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Social Concerns Committee

    14.  Second Missionary Baptist Church

    15.  School Sisters of Notre Dame Ministering in Mid-Missouri

    16.  Show-Me Dharma

    17.  St. Francis Catholic Worker Community

    18.  St. Luke's United Methodist Church

    19.  Thomas Moore Newman Center, Social Justice Commission

    20.  Unitarian Universalist Church--Social Action Committee           

    21.   Wilkes Boulevard United Methodist Church Council

    22.  A-1 Miller’s Small Engine
    23.  Alley Cat Yoga
    24.  Arsenic Leopard Gift Shop
    25.  Amazico Inc., DBA Cool Stuff
    26.  ASAP Plumbing
    27.  Axiom, an Identity Company
    28.  Bangkok Gardens
    29.  Bellman Computer Repair
    30.  Blackberry Exchange Clothing Shop
    31.  The Blue Note
    32.  Brighter Days Corp. Contract Painting & Window Cleaning
    33.  Café Berlin International
    34.  Clovers Natural Market
    35.  Coffee Zone
    36.  Columbia Books, Inc.
    37.  Columbia Daily Tribune (as reflected in an April 3, 2005 Editorial)
    38.  Day Care Extraordinaire
      39.  Dreamcatcher Boutique
    40.  Roy Finley Building and Development
    41.  Gaslight Mobile Home Park
    42.  Get Lost Bookshop
    43.  Gotcha! Theatrical Supplies & Costume Rental
    44.  Hairworks
    45.  Hinshaw Family Properties
    46. The Ink Factory
    47.  Kassman Insurance Agency
    48.  Lakota Coffee Company
    49.   Lee Street Deli
    50.  Lifecycle Consultants
    51.  Lindsey Rentals
    52.  Lotus Blossom Arts
    53.  Lulu's Repose Bath & Body Boutique
    54.  Main Squeeze Restaurant
    55.  Mama Bessie's Dry Cleaners
    56.  Maude’s Vintage Clothing
    57.  National Pastimes Productions
    58.  Ninth St. Video Store on Hitt St.
    59.  The Peace Nook
    60.   Peak Roofing/Construction
    61.  Practice of Elizabeth Alleman, M.D.
    62.  Practice of N.S. Goodman, Doctor of Chiropractic
    63.  Pride Used Cars LLC
    64.  Quick-Fix Automobile Repair
    65.  Rebirth Landscaping
    66.  Root Cellar
    67.  Sharp End Restaurant and Bar
    68.  Sparky's Ice Cream Shop
    69.  Uprise Bakery
    70.  Dan Viets Law Office
    71.  Violet Moon Herbal Organics
    72.  Whizz Record Exchange
    73.  World Harvest International & Gourmet Foods

    Groups & Organizations

    74.  Amnesty International, Local Columbia Chapter
    75.  Amnesty International, Hickman High School Chapter
    76.  Amnesty International, University of Missouri-Columbia Chapter
    77.  Boone County Muleskinners
    78.  Cedar Creek Therapeutic Riding Center
    79.  Columbia MO National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Branch
    80.  Food Not Bombs
    81.  Frederick Douglass Coalition
    82.  Grass Roots Organizing (GRO) – based out of Columbia and Mexico
    83.  Green Party of Central Missouri
    84.  Hickman High School Global Issues Club
    85.  Minority Men’s Network
    86.  Mid-Missouri American Civil Liberties Union
    87.  Mid-Missouri Global Action to Prevent War
    88.  Mid-Missouri Peaceworks
    89.  Missouri Association for Social Welfare (MASW)--Central Missouri chapter           
    90.  Missouri Rural Crisis Center
    91.  Missouri Symphony Society
    92.  Mrs. J's African-American Center and Family Institute
    93.  North Central Neighborhood Association
    94.  Ridgeway Neighborhood Association
    95.  UMC Catholic Student Organization
    96.  UMC Faculty, Staff & Students Concerned About Democracy & Public Knowledge
    97. UMC Students for Progressive Action
    98.  UMC Students for a Free Tibet
    99.  Veterans for Peace— Chapter 43 (Mid-Missouri)
    100.Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Mid-MO branch

    If a group you are a member of, if your house of worship or your business or one you patronize--
    is/aren’t on this list, call us at 573-449-4585 or log onto http://www.moratoriumnow.net to find how
    to have them endorse this reasonable policy measure.



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Fellowship of
P.O. Box 268
Columbia, Missouri

Questions about the Fellowship of Reconciliation? -- contact Jeff Stack at 573-449-4585 or jstack@no2death.org

An appeal to conscience and purse-strings

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