Fellowship of Reconciliation: for a World of Peace, Justice and Nonviolence
Mid-Missouri Fellowship of Reconciliation
The Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) is a group composed of people from many faiths, and no particular faith --
all coming together to support nonviolence and justice.
Offering people of conscience an action response to a morally-impaired U.S. foreign policy.

Newsletter | Capital Punishment | War & Peace | Links | Who We Are

A Report on the Injustice in the Application of the Death Penalty in Missouri (1978-1996)(Microsoft Word document)
Researchers from Missouri and New York found that about one of every 100 homicides in Missouri resulted in a death sentence during that 18-year period. Race of the victim and race plus socio-economic status of the defendant were found to be great indicators of who ultimately received a death sentence.


Common Dreams
Electronic Iraq
Indy Media
Yahoo! News


Background on Syria

Iraq Crisis Issue Guide by Phyllis Bennis of the Institute for Policy Studies

U.S. History with Iraq, 1980 - 2 August 1990
An American Soldier on the March 21 episode of This American Life challenged those against the war to "learn the history".

Common Dreams News Center

April 12, 2003
God is on our side?
Non Sequiter comic

April 8, 2003
The U.S. Betrays Its Core Values
by Gunter Grass

March 30, 2003
Bush and Blair do not know what they are doing or why they are doing it

March 29, 2003
A cartoon

March 25, 2003
What is the Geneva Convention?
A primer on the treaty dealing with treatment of POWs and Who’s violating the Geneva Convention?

March 24, 2003
It's Patriotic to Protest
op-ed by Jill Nelson

U.S. steps up secret surveillance
FBI, Justice Dept. increase use of wiretaps, records searches

March 23, 2003
Why are we in Iraq -- and Who's Next?
an Op-Ed piece by Richard Reeves.

March 22, 2003
Whose interests at heart?
The invasion and occupation of Iraq cannot give the Iraqi people their freedom

March 20, 2003
Senator Byrd Deplores Iraq War: "Today I weep for my country"

Familiar, Haunting Words

Bush's Lies and the War on Iraq (a gift to the extremist theocrats)

Demonstrations Flare Worldwide

It's Not About Terrorism, WMD or Liberation: Myths and facts about the war

    Local News and Announcements...

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    Mid-MO FOR Condemns Israel's Attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla & Mourns the Deaths of Humanitarians

    Public Statement passed out at 2 June News Conference
    Co-sponsored by Mid-MO FOR & MU PIPA (Palestine Israel Peace Association)

    To view the Columbia Daily Tribune’s article on the news conference, log onto

    The Mid-Missouri Fellowship of Reconciliation mourns the killing of at least nine people and the injuries of dozens of others in the May 31 Israeli attack of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla. This attack by Israel against the humanitarian mission is an affront against humanity. The Mid-MO FOR condemns Israel’s violent actions and supports an international, impartial investigation of the incident. We additionally oppose violence by Palestinian or Israeli combatants and support nonviolent resolution of conflicts between the peoples.

    We urge Israel to follow through on public promises to release all of the nearly 700 people, taken by force from the six Gaza-bound ships and detained by the military. Furthermore, we implore US officials to pressure Israel to end its illegal blockade of the occupied Palestinian Gaza Strip and to cease sending US dollars to enable the Israeli military to undertake such actions with impunity. We sadly recognize U.S. complicity in arming Israel and enabling its human rights abuses. In July 2008, the United States signed a contract worth $1.9 billion to transfer the latest-generation of naval combat vessels to Israel at U.S. taxpayer expense; some of those vessels were likely used in this barbaric attack on international humanitarian activists. Currently, Congress is in the process of appropriating a record $3.2 billion in military aid to Israel this budget year.

    The Gaza Freedom Flotilla boats were attacked by the Israeli military in international waters, a clear violation of international law. An elite commando unit of the Israeli military, armed with heavy automatic weapons, boarded the ships. Israel must be held responsible for this use of disproportionate force and for recklessly endangering the lives of all civilians onboard.

    The Flotilla was attempting to break Israel’s illegal and immoral three-year siege of the 1.5 million Palestinians of the Gaza Strip. Israel military forces, during its December 2008-January 2009 assault on the Gaza Strip, codenamed “Operation Cast Lead” killed more than 1400 Palestinians. Beyond the horrific murderous actions, the “operation” further exacerbated the human suffering of the siege, causing $2 billion in infrastructural damage. Israel has nonetheless consistently refused to allow rebuilding materials into the Gaza Strip. High-end medical supplies, as well as a revolving list of items that has included pasta, jam, and cardamom, have also been denied.

    When armed might is used to attempt to break up clearly organized nonviolent resistance to injustice, the conscience of humanity is offended. Besides that, the judgment of history goes against those seeking to preserve entrenched privilege when confronted by disciplined and determined People Power.

    Earlier this spring we recalled with shame the gunning down of unarmed protesters at Kent State University 40 years ago. We think of the murder of hundreds at Tiananmen Square when the Chinese government attempted to suppress democracy. The brutal beatings at the Pettis Bridge in Selma, Alabama during the Civil Rights struggles are another example of the might of the State brought to bear against those courageously standing against injustice.

    In these and so many other cases we see the power of nonviolent direct action -- which is not just refusal to engage in violent defense of rights, but also the vivid expression of the power of Truth, the willingness to sacrifice all for justice.

    Those who have perished in this humanitarian flotilla will join, in the annals of history, those we respect as having advanced the claims and interest of all mankind against those who, in an ultimately futile effort, try to suppress the just aspirations of humanity. We mourn the loss of these brave souls, and honor their efforts to relieve suffering.

    --David Finke, Mid-MO FOR Board Chair and Jeff Stack, Mid-MO FOR Coordinator

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P.O. Box 268
Columbia, Missouri

Questions about the Fellowship of Reconciliation? -- contact Jeff Stack at 573-449-4585 or jstack@no2death.org

An appeal to conscience and purse-strings

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